Hide & Seek: smyrna design

As a part of a group assignment, we each made a silhouet with a clear feminist view. My contribution was a top piece, made out of smyrna fabric, wool, stitches together with staples, referring to the beauty of hair, armpit hair in this look.



August has arrived.

Already, one could say. Yes. All ready, when talking about nature. The harvest season is starting to be upon us. Apples, pears and pumpkins have a chance to grow a little thicker. Sweeten up a bit. The corn is still very eager to continue growing throughout September, hoping to get ready when October strikes. The birds are leaving us, heading to Africa, flying through Israël first.

August, traditonally is a month of celebration. Flowers are being celebrated in churches. Mary is being praised. Brussels has its flower carpet. All is well.


It was an absolute honour to meet the Belgian cardinal, monseigneur Godfried Danneels, who gave a most wonderful floral celebration on August 14th.

He said that we cannot look forward to tomorrow, nor reminisce about yesterday if we do not let go of the disunity and disagreement we have with others around us. How could we grow if we don’t let the sun to our hearts? How can we have grace if we don’t allow ourselves to heal.

A true quest, that’s what daily life really is.

A la recherche du tekening perdu


Voor een creatief zomerproject heb ik de creatieve mindset van kinderen nodig, specifieker de mindset van maatschappelijk kwetsbare kinderen en vluchtelingen.

Gedurende de zomermaanden is er geen school en zijn er minder activiteiten. Daarom wil ik deze groep kinderen een appreciatie en participatie gevoel geven door hen menselijke figuren te laten tekenen, in alle geuren en kleuren, om deze figuren persoonlijk in patronen en daarna in poppen om te zetten . Het ultieme doel zou het bundelen van deze figuren zijn, in een medium als zijnde een boek, alsook om kwetsbare kinderen een stem te kunnen geven.

Elke creatieve ziel die mij een tekening bezorgd, krijgt de pop uiteraard met patroon geleverd, om zo de creatieve stimulans te blijven verzekeren!

Interesse om samen met mij, Thomas Renwart (student textielontwerp aan LUCA en kleermaker), aan dit project te werken door o.a. tekeningen te bezorgen?

Neem dan zeker contact op door een mailtje te sturen naar thomasrenwart@outlook.com 

Mr. Elderflower and his potion

May and early June are beautiful months. One can find Elderflowers behind every green corner, since the plant reproduces itself like bunnies. If you plant a branch or twig of such plant, after two years, you can already harvest enough flowers to make a decent amount of syrup! Yes! And the Elderflower Syrup used to be seen as the cure for all! The name itself Elderflower holds an amount of mystic and romance in it. And elderly flower, which can be seen as wisdom, power, grace and immortality.

Collected in the forest.


Making Elderflower Syrup requires little skill, and truly is a beautiful process.

A little recipe, for two liters.

  • 20 Elderflower flowers
  • 1,5 l of water
  • 1,5 kg of sugar
  • 3 lemons
  • 2 oranges
  • some glass bottles (sterilized!)

Make sure you harvest the Elderflowers away from traffic roads!

  • Make the water boil with the sugar
  • Once the sugar is all set, take the pot from the fire and add the flowers
  • Make it boil once more
  • Add the sliced lemons and oranges (just cut them in half, or quarters) and let it all cool off
  • Put the pot in a dark, cool place, like a cave, put a lid on it and let it be for 24 hours


  • Once those 24 hours passed, sift it all twice.
  • Make the syrup boil once again.
  • Pour it on a boiling temperature into the bottle, close and store it in a dry and darker place.
  • You can use the syrup 6 months from the day it’s made.


Enjoy!! It’s such a delight!!!

Made with love

Something I’ve learned from the start, is that one can never go somewhere empty handed. One can bring some flowers, some freshly baked sweets. I went for a fresh cake, filled with a wonderful homemade Mother made strawberry/raspberry/rhubarb jam, and baked with love. The recipe, is easy. The taste, wonderful. It’s a good cake.


preheat oven at 150 °c

  • 200 grams of butter
  • 200 grams of sugar
  • 200 grams of flour
  • 3 eggs (xl) or 4 eggs if medium sized
  • a pinch of salt
  • a little sachet of vanilla sugar

mix the sugar and the butter and the vanilla sugar

add 1/2 of the flour, and 2 eggs

mix well, add pinch of salt, add remaining flour and egg

mix until it’s a sturdy paste


grease the cake form well, add some baking paper if it makes you feel more comfortable.

bake for about 50 minutes

let the cake cool off a tiny bit, so that you can slice it in half, put a good layer of jam on both halves, and close. Put some pressure when closing up!



Pressed Flowers on display at a castle

My hometown has one of the most wonderful castles of the country. A beautiful French styled fortress. Every two years, registered artists of Aalter are invited to put three works on display during a two week expo. I picked out three pressed flower compositions, very much to see how the public would react to such form. The reviews were absolutely heartwarming. I was at my hairdresser yesterday, and she told me that people talk about me at the salon! The general comment is that ‘the pressed flowers are absolutely refreshing and completely different’, this makes me absolutely grateful and proud! Thank you for all of the lovely comments and reviews!!

A little pictural reportage: